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Reference works

▶ Gale Virtual Reference Library 

  • Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of eBook reference hundreds of titles. The diversity of subjects that can be covered by available titles includes Arts, Biography, Business, Education, Environmental Studies, History, Law, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Nation & World, Religion, Science and Social Sciences. New reference option also offers 24/7 remote access, circulation of reference content, a continuously growing selection of titles, cross searching, no need for special hardware or an online reader, expanded searching for difficult-to-find material, shelf-space savings and back-up for print resources.
▶ New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online is a key reference resource for the study of Economics and contains the full text of the 8-volume print edition and is updated at least four times a year with new articles and updates. It offers search and browse facilities, contains hyperlinked cross-references and links to related sites, sources of further information and bibliographical citations and enables users to bookmark searches and articles, along with their own notes, in My Dictionary, or add links to articles on social bookmarking sites.
▶ Oxford Bibliographies
  • Oxford Bibliographies provides faculty and students alike with a seamless pathway to the most accurate and reliable resources for a variety of academic topics. Every article in this database is an authoritative guide to the current scholarship, written and reviewed by academic experts, with original commentary and annotations.
▶ ScienceDirect Handbook
  • Elsevier’s ScienceDirect Handbook Collection contains high quality reference material from content solicited from the world's leading authorities. These highly-cited handbook volumes offer an invaluable resource for researchers. All handbooks collections are available from volume one up to the most current volume, allowing users to gain online access to valuable research spanning many years and many important developments in scholarly research.