※ Most of the resources accessible after logging in to the KDI Central Library webpage can be accessed outside of the school.
Electronic resources found on the library webpage and databases accessed through the library webpage can be accessed outside of the school without any extra processes.
To access electronic resources without going through the library's web page, please refer to the following methods below.
Access to our licensed resources provided by the KDI Central Library, is established through the KDI & KDI school IP address, or by authentication via KDI CL Proxy server.
If you are on campus, and thus use the institute’s IP address or on the “KDIS green” network, you can go directly to the resources and the publisher will recognize your IP address and allow you access.
If you are off campus with a non-institute’s IP address, you need to log-in at the library website in order to authenticate you via KDI CL proxy server.
Alternatively, it is possible to route your connection through the KDI CL proxy server as follows :
1. Add the Proxy prefix ‘https://lib.kdiproxy.kr/_Lib_Proxy_Url/’ in front of the existing URL (be sure to keep the initial “https://”)
▶ For example, if a link is obtained directly from an external websites (e.g. google scholar, email alerts, etc)
▶ Then manually edit the URL by adding proxy prefix before it, as in:
2. Use the proxy prefix creator
Enter the URL in the box, and the proxy prefix will be added to the URL. e.g. https://www.jstor.org (The database must be a subscription and configured in our proxy server in order to work; free resources are usually not included).
The new URL will display above the box. Copy & Paste or click it to open in a new window.
3. Use the proxy bookmarklet
What is a proxy bookmarklet?
The proxy bookmarklet automatically inserts the KDI CL proxy stem ‘https://lib.kdiproxy.kr/_Lib_Proxy_Url/’ into the URL of an article link in your browser. Once you have successfully add the bookmarklet on your browser once, you can access full-texts of journal articles that are within the KDI Central Libraries' subscription by clicking on the bookmarklet on any page that requires you to pay. This will attempt to access the resource via KDI Central Libraries' subscription.
! Please note that this method does not work 100% reliably on all databases and sources.
★ For Internet Explorer
1. ← Right-click on this link and select "Add to Favorite"
2. If you wish to add to "Links", go to "Favourites" and drag and drop the bookmarklet to "links"
★ For Chrome
In Google Chrome: click and drag this link Chrome Bookmarklet to the Bookmark Bar. If you don't see your Bookmark Bar, click on Options -> Settings -> at Appearance section, check Always show Bookmark Bar or Press Ctrl + Shift + B
Using proxy prefix allows you to get full text easier under the following scenarios:
Scenario 1:
You queried Google and found a few relevant search results. However, when you click on an article link, you are redirected to a vendor or publisher's site where you will be asked to pay for the full-text therein.
Scenario 2:
You receive direct links to online articles from a friend or you want to read the full-texts after reading the abstract. Similarly, when you click on the article links via email, blogs, twitter and you are directed to the publisher or vendor site where you are required to log in or pay to view the full-text.
Solution: Proxy prefix
Note that in the above scenarios, you are not coming directly from the KDI CL website, meaning that the publisher/vendor site does not know that you are approved to use our subscriptions.
You can return to our library site and search the database or journal from there, but adding the KDI proxy stem to the URL is a faster and easier way to authenticate and access the resources directly.