[Economist] Is higher inflation cause for concern? (2021.10.18)
[CNBC] U.K. scientist says Covid-19 will come back every year, similar to the flu (2020.10.22)
[Economist] Will covid kill globalisation? (2020.10.01)
[Economist] Public Debt : How much is too much? (2020.09.09)
[CNBC] How Coronavirus Set Off A Bankruptcy Wave for the U.S Economy (2020.08.29)
[Economist] Covid-19: Bill Gates predicts the end of the pandemic (2020.08.19)
[IMF] The World Economic Outlook in the Times of COVID-19 (2020.07.16)
[IMF] The Economist and the Epidemiologists: How to Save Lives and Livelihoods in the COVID-19 Crisis (2020.04.15)
[UC Berkeley] COVID-19: Economic Impact, Human Solutions (2020.04.10)
[IMF] Four priorities for COVID-19 Economic Recovery (2020.04.09)
[IMF] Live Conversation on the Outlook for the Global Economy (2020.04.09)
WATCH: Fed Chair Jerome Powell discusses impact of COVID-19 on the US economy (2020.04.09)
[TED] Ray Dalio | What coronavirus means for the global economy (2020.04.08)
[IMF] Five Charts on the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis (2020.04.06)
[The Economist] Covid-19: how bad will it be for the economy? (2020.04.04)
[The Economist] Covid-19: more questions about coronavirus, answered (2020.03.31)
[Brookings] Webinar: COVID-19 and the economy (2020.03.30)
[The Economist] Covid-19: your questions about coronavirus, answered (2020.03.24)
[IMF] IMF’s Georgieva: COVID-19 Economic Outlook Negative, But Rebound in 2021 (2020.03.23)
[Brookings] the Spring 2020 conference on BPEA | the Economic outlook in the face of COVID-19 (2020.03.20)
[TIME] Coronavirus : How The COVID-19 Pandemic Will Impact The Global Economy (2020.03.18)
[WorldBank] Expert Answers: How Can We Help Countries Dealing with Coronavirus? (2020.03.10)
[Global News] Coronavirus outbreak: IMF, World Bank discuss COVID-19 impacts on global economy (2020.03.04)
[BBC News 코리아] 백신접종 대신 해고 택한 간호사 (2021.07.11)
[Economist] Care after covid : The Future of elderly health care (2020.11.28)
[BBC News 코리아] 아스트라제네카 : '90% 효과' 백신 연구진 BBC가 직접 만나봤다. (2020.11.24)
[Economist] Covid-19 : Why vaccine mistrust is growing (2020.11.19)
[BBC News 코리아] '나는 독감 백신을 맞지 않기로 했다' (2020.11.17)
[BBC News 코리아] 코로나19 백신 '90% 효과'... 믿어도 되는 걸까? (2020.11.10)
[OECD] The Path to Recovery : Strong, resilient, green, inclusive (2020.10.27)
[WHO] Sharing COVID-19 experiences : The Republic of Korea response (2020.10.27)
[YTN News] "코로나19 바이러스에 노출되자 급속히..." 세포 파괴 과정 첫 규명 (2020.10.27)
[BBC News 코리아] 코로나 19 : 접종 시작한 중국산 백신, 믿을 수 있을까? (2020.10.20)
[BBC News 코리아] 코로나 19 직격탄 맞은 동네 목욕탕의 하루 (2020.09.30)
[BBC News 코리아] 유엔 사무총장 '회원국들, 코로나 19 각자도생' 비판 (2020.09.08)
[BBC News 코리아] 코로나를 쫓는 사람들, 역학조사관들의 이야기 (2020.08.29)
[BBC News 코리아] 코로나19 : 스페인 독감처럼 '죽음의 2차 유행' 올까? (2020.08.24)
[ABC News] How South Korea kept it's COVID-19 infection rate down (2020.05.22)
[BBC News 코리아] 코로나 19 : 땅으로 내려온 조종사들 (2020.05.11)
[Youtube - Business Insider] Why South korea's coronavirus Curve looks so different from the rest of the world (2020.04.17)
[Youtube - The Guardian] Coronavirus tests: how they work and what they show (2020.04.20)
[Youtube-Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell] What is CoronaVirus? & What should we do? (2020.03.20)
[TED] Alanna Shaikh | 코로나19가 지금 발생한 이유 - 그리고 다음 전염병을 준비하는 방법
* 익스플로러에서는 한글자막을 지원하지 않습니다. (크롬브라우저 추천)
[TED] Adam Kucharski | 코로나바이러스를 어떻게 제압할 수 있을까요?
* 익스플로러에서는 한글자막을 지원하지 않습니다. (크롬브라우저 추천)
[TED] 우리가 코로나 바이러스에 대해 아는 것과 모르는 것
* 익스플로러에서는 한글자막을 지원하지 않습니다. (크롬브라우저 추천)